Some parts of the country can be especially dangerous to drive in during the winter months, such as northern states that see a lot of snow and ice. Many people realize how risky it can be to drive during inclement weather, such as a blizzard or ice storm that makes roads treacherous. What some may not be aware of, however, is that these weather risks can continue to pose a threat long after a storm, when conditions appear to have improved. For example, black ice can stay hidden on certain parts of the road and lead to a motor vehicle wreck.
While driving, black ice can be very difficult to see. Many drivers may go over a patch of black ice without knowing it and this can lead to an auto accident in different ways. For example, someone who tries to apply their brakes while going over black ice may lose control of their vehicle after spinning out. Or, a driver may be overly confident and traveling at very high speeds because they do not think there is any ice on the road, only to go over a patch of black ice and veer off the road or into another lane.
Black ice can be particularly dangerous on hills, around sharp turns and in other areas. However, you should watch out for black ice and other weather-related hazards whenever risks may be present. Our traffic collision section covers other topics related to car accidents, such as holding careless drivers responsible for their behavior.