Commonly Asked Questions About DUI Charges
At the end of the week, going to the bar or relaxing with some Sunday night football is probably a well-deserved break. Driving home afterward may not seem like a big deal. Alcohol works differently for everyone, and a few beers for you may be very different than a few beers for someone else. However, if you are pulled over for drunk driving, you need to address the problem head-on.
Now, you may be wondering what to do if you get pulled over for drunk driving and what to expect afterward. We have tried to answer some of our most frequently asked questions on this page. Please keep in mind that even though these answers will probably apply to you, you should still talk to one of our lawyers about your case.
Our attorneys work for Spokane-area residents and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week . To speak with our attorneys, you can call our office at 509-326-2613. The Cooney Law Offices is also available by email. Your first consultation is free .
What is a DUI First Appearance?
In Spokane most people accused of a DUI have a court hearing the next day after they’re arrested. This is their DUI First Appearance. At this hearing the prosecutor will summarize the police report. Next, most people will then enter a “not guilty” plea. Lastly, the judge will schedule a pre-trial court hearing and order release conditions. These release conditions are very important so it is a good idea to consult with an attorney before this hearing.
Is my license still valid?
Most people accused of a DUI in Washington State will have to fight to keep their driver’s license. A DUI related license suspension is not immediate, but most people will have only 7 days after their DUI arrest to fight the Department of Licensing to try to save their license. Due to this short timeframe it is important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. To check the current status of your Washington State driver’s license, follow this link to DOL’s website
– https://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/checkstatus.html
What can a DUI attorney do for me?
An experienced DUI attorney will ensure you get the best possible result on your case. This begins by explaining procedures and alleviating the fear of the unknown. From there your attorney will review the evidence and analyze legal arguments to defend the case. Every case is different because every person is different. If you need advice on your DUI charge, please contact us today.
What Are The Penalties For A DUI/DWI In Washington?
The consequences for a DUI depend on your individual circumstances. The law treats underage drivers differently than those over 21 years old. It treats regular drivers differently than truckers. In general, you can expect to pay an expensive fine, have new restrictions on your license and face jail time. To find out what to expect for your case, in particular, call our office and speak to an attorney.
How Can A DUI Conviction Affect My Future?
A conviction has direct consequences like license suspensions and fines. It also has long-term consequences. A conviction will show up on your background checks, make it impossible for you to drive a car professionally and make accessing public services very difficult.
What If I Was Consuming Something Other Than Alcohol?
Certain drugs, even prescribed medications, can lead to a DUI/DWI charge. Your case will depend on what you consume, details in the police report and other factors.
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330 W. Indiana Ave.
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: 509-326-2613
Toll Free: 888-302-2613
Fax: 509-325-1859
For Emergencies Call: 509-327-6000