Fatal automobile accidents in Washington State increased in 2023 to 810. That’s the most collisions that involved a loss of life since 1990. It’s no secret that excessive speed and impaired/distracted driving are common factors often leading to traffic fatalities. Poor driving habits that began in the summer of 2020 when there was less traffic have stuck around.

Historically, speeding has been the most common and preventable factor in fatal auto accidents. In the summer of 2020 drivers began speeding at a higher rate than when streets were congested with normal traffic rates. Obviously, higher speeds lead to greater potential for serious injuries and even death when a collision occurs.

Failure to wear seatbelts or other restraints were contributing factors in nearly 20% of the fatal collisions last year. Maybe folks were making short trips figure there’s less risk of collision. The old phrase, “the car doesn’t move until everyone is buckled” appears to be more relevant than ever.

Car accidents that involved the death of a pedestrian were at an all-time high in 2023 with 157. The majority of these were in cities and densely populated areas. Some cities are turning to “road diets” and “traffic calming projects” to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. These projects are often designed to slow vehicles, reduce traffic counts and make pedestrians and bicyclists more easily visible to drivers.

Everyone using our roadways bears a responsibility to minimizes the risk of a collision. Focusing on the act of driving, reducing speeds and making sure everyone in the vehicle is wearing their seatbelt can help. Pedestrians and bicyclists can increase their visibility and awareness of traffic around them. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident or a wrongful death collision, then you should call the injury attorneys at Cooney Law Offices. We can help!