A Living Will is one of several documents that make up a comprehensive estate plan. Living Wills are also called Health Care Directives or Advanced Directives. A Health Care Directive clearly states your wishes regarding the use of certain life-sustaining medical treatments if you’re in a coma or unable to communicate. A Living Will is an important legal document that might help avoid arguments when your family is grieving.

A Health Care Directive gives your loved ones guidance about the medical care you want in specific situations. Simply telling your friends and relatives may not be sufficient. Even if you have discussed your preferences before, health care protocols and/or legal restrictions may lead to arguments or even court battles. A Health Care Directive puts your wishes in writing and carries the same legal weight as though you were directly saying what medical care want. This helps ensure that both your family members and your medical care providers will follow your wishes.

There’s always a chance you might experience a medical event that doesn’t match situations outlined in your Living Will. This is where a different estate planning document, a Medical Power of Attorney, could come into play. A Medical Power of Attorney authorizes someone you trust to make medical decisions on your behalf. This equally important legal document covers a different set of circumstances from a Health Care Directive.

A Last Will & Testament, Medical and Financial Power of Attorney documents and Health Care Directives are each important parts of an estate plan. If you need to complete your first set of documents or if you’ve experienced a major life event and would like to update an old estate plan, then contact the attorneys at Cooney Law Offices today. We can discuss your options and prepare an estate plan that fits your life and your wishes. Cooney Law Offices. We can help!