Determining DUI Offense Level: Step Two

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step Two Folks who get a first offense DUI often face another DUI later in life. An old misdemeanor DUI will most likely count as a prior offense sentence enhancer if it’s within seven years of the new Washington State DUI. Sometimes...

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step One

Washington State DUI law sets mandatory minimum penalties for convictions. The law also sets sentencing enhancements, or higher penalties, when folks have other DUI’s within 7 years. To determine whether a misdemeanor DUI is a first, second or third offense you must...

DUI’s and Lime Scooters

You can’t get a DUI in Spokane on a Lime Scooter, according to law enforcement. This doesn’t mean you should hop on an electric scooter after drinking heavily since this could lead to serious injuries for yourself or others. Setting aside the obvious safety...

May is Motorcycle Safety Month

Motorcycle safety is particularly important as winter turns to spring and riding season fires up. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association reports motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a collision than those in passenger vehicles. Let’s commit to...

What is a DUI First Appearance?

A DUI charge In Spokane, Washington will normally lead to a First Appearance court hearing within a few weeks of the arrest. During this hearing the judge will recite your constitutional rights and the potential consequences of a DUI conviction, which may include jail...