Should I Do Roadside DUI Tests?

There’s a panic moment anytime you’re driving and see emergency lights directly behind you. If you get pulled over and the officer has any hint that you’ve been drinking or consuming drugs, even prescription medications, then there will be a DUI investigation. In...

One DUI Charge. Two Separate Cases

A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge in Spokane or anywhere in Washington State will most likely lead to two separate cases: a criminal DUI charge in court and a completely separate Department of Licensing (DOL) administrative case. These truly are two separate...

Do You Need an Estate Plan?

Estate planning is an act of love that shows you care about your family and friends. If you are incapacitated or pass away, then having your estate plan in place takes pressure off your grieving relatives. Deciding when to make your estate plan is more about your...

What is Road Rage?

We all know road rage when we see it: extreme or prolonged tailgating, dangerous weaving in and out of traffic or even a driver aggressively using their horn, yelling and shaking their fist at another driver. A Spokane news article described some folks involved in a...

Best Practices for Going to Court during COCVID-19

People ask us all the time if there’s anything they should know before going to court. Before Covid-19 we would tell folks to arrive at the courthouse about 30 minutes early and to dress like they’re going to church. Those tips are still important, but there have been...