by cooneylaw | Apr 14, 2020 | DUI
DUI procedures in Washington State have been altered by COVID-19 and it’s led to some folks making a big mistake! Most DUI arrests lead to two separate cases – one in the courtroom and one with the Department of Licensing (DOL). Court hearings throughout the state,...
by cooneylaw | Apr 7, 2020 | Family Law
How does COVID-19 affect my parenting plan? The Novel Coronavirus has drastically altered our daily lives. Many divorced or separated parents are wondering how their parenting plan for minor children will be affected. This concern has become more profound since...
by cooneylaw | Apr 3, 2020 | Auto Accidents
When someone chooses to drink and drive, they should already be aware that their actions could harm someone. Unfortunately, people still make the choice to get behind the wheel despite that risk. That’s what may have happened in this case out of east Spokane. An April...
by cooneylaw | Mar 31, 2020 | DUI
Actual DUI convictions in Washington State cannot be vacated. Remember a conviction is the final court resolution. So if you were accused of DUI, but the final court resolution was an amendment to something like Reckless Driving or Negligent Driving, then you may be...
by cooneylaw | Mar 26, 2020 | Auto Accidents
There’s some bad news for advocates of recreational marijuana legalization and for all drivers in the state of Washington: There’s been a drastic increase in the number of roadway fatalities tied to marijuana use since legalization of the drug in 2012. Researchers...
by cooneylaw | Mar 25, 2020 | Employment Law
The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating global effects on public health systems and the world has seen unprecedented control measures to stop the spread. In the State of Washington these measures include shutting down schools and many businesses. The shutdown of...
by cooneylaw | Mar 24, 2020 | Criminal Defense
Gun rights will be revoked in Washington State when a person is convicted of a felony crime or certain domestic violence misdemeanor crimes. Washington State law allows some people who have been convicted of these types of charges to restore their right to possess a...
by cooneylaw | Mar 23, 2020 | Bodily Injury
Suffering a personal injury as a result of another person’s negligence is a tough pill to swallow. Even though you didn’t ask for the situation you’re in, you now have to deal with everything it will bring to your life. On the plus side, you’re never alone. You can...
by cooneylaw | Mar 18, 2020 | Auto Accidents
Most people already know that it is dangerous to engage in drunk driving or distracted driving. What they may not realize is that there is a third “d” that is almost as dangerous, and it is drowsy driving. According to information provided by the National Safety...
by cooneylaw | Mar 17, 2020 | DUI
If you’ve been convicted of DUI or Physical Control of a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs in Washington State, then that conviction cannot be vacated. However, old cases that began as a DUI or Physical Control can sometimes be vacated...