Reporting a DUI to Employers and Schools

If you’ve been charged with a DUI or another crime, then reporting the accusation to your employer or school may be one of many things keeping you up at night. Will mandatory court appearances impact your work or class schedule? Will you be able to drive back and...

Non-compete Agreements in 2020: Part 2

The laws regarding non-compete agreements in Washington State changed too drastically in 2020 for a single blog post. Previously, we covered some basic changes regarding salary and compensation, but there were other changes to non-compete agreement laws regarding...

Non-compete agreements in 2020: Part 1

Starting in 2020 non-compete agreements will be severely restricted by new Washington State laws. The current statutes, RCW 49.62, can be found here. These changes will impact both new non-compete agreements and those that were in effect prior to January 1, 2020. A...

When will a DUI investigation lead to a blood draw?

A blood draw can happen during a DUI arrest in a couple different circumstances. If a law enforcement officer believes a driver is impaired by drugs rather than alcohol, then the officer may look to draw blood. Another common scenario is when someone under arrest for...

What is a DUI Pre-Trial Hearing?

DUI and other misdemeanor criminal charges in Washington State will go through several phases before resolution. Each case is different, but in most Spokane DUI cases the Pre-Trial phase will last for three to five months and the court hearings will occur in monthly...