Welcome To Our Blog

We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...

Spokane Therapeutic Courts

The Spokane Therapeutic Courts Foundation was formed in 2012 in an effort to give those battling drug addiction and mental-health challenges the opportunity to enter into a court supervised treatment program. Currently, there are 83 therapeutic courts throughout...

Understanding pregnancy discrimination

If you are an employed pregnant woman in Washington, you are no doubt trying to reach a balance between fulfilling your job with pride and caring for your growing body. This is equally true once you have given birth to your baby and hope to maintain an equilibrium...

DUI Deferred Prosecution

When someone is charged with a DUI in Washington State a Deferred Prosecution is one of several potential resolutions. After a complete investigation of the evidence and after negotiations with the prosecuting attorney your attorney should present all options for...

What should you do if a dog bites your child?

While most dogs in Washington are friendly and make good pets, there are still circumstances that may lead them to bite. In many cases, the victim of a dog bite is a child. Responding correctly if a dog bites your child may help you reduce the risk of further injury...

Understanding the DUI Sentencing Grid

The Washington State Courts’ DUI Sentencing Grid details the mandatory minimum penalties for misdemeanor DUI convictions. The sentencing grid attempts to simplify the penalties found in RCW 46.61.5055. The grid is split into columns by number of prior offenses...

Roadside DUI Tests

DUI cases often start as a normal traffic stop for speeding or some other traffic violation. When these stops occur it is important to understand your rights and the consequences of performing or refusing roadside DUI tests. More often than not in Washington State...