How Can a DUI Lawyer Help Me?

An experienced DUI attorney can guide you through the legal process and minimize the damage of the criminal charge. From explaining early deadlines to mapping out trial strategy, a DUI attorney relieves the fear of the unknown and helps you focus on family during this...

Have you been offered a Severance Agreement?

Severance Agreements are sometimes offered when an employee is leaving their job. These are contracts outlining the employee and employer’s rights and responsibilities at the end of an employment relationship. They will state the severance pay the employee will...

Are Baby DUI’s and Adult DUI’s the Same?

Baby DUI refers to the criminal charge of Driver Under Twenty-one Consuming Alcohol or Marijuana. This is a different charge from an adult DUI and the consequences can be different, too. Those facing a Baby DUI still have to fight two separate cases: a court case and...

Power of Attorney: Do I Need One?

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a document that allows someone you designate to act on your behalf. These should be part of every adult’s estate plan. A POA can help reduce stress when unforeseen problems pop up. For individuals, there are two main types of POA’s: a...

DUI’s and Legal Limits for Alcohol

Washington State DUI law sets the legal limit for alcohol at .08 if you’re 21 or older. There is talk in Olympia about lowering this limit. Setting a legal limit implies drivers can legally drive with some amount of alcohol in their body, but it can be confusing....