Determining DUI Offense Level: Step Two

Folks accused of one DUI often face another later in life. An old DUI arrest within the past seven years will most likely count as a prior offense sentence enhancer, but you must analyze both the date and court resolution to be sure. In a prior blog post we addressed...

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step One

Washington State DUI laws set mandatory minimum penalties for convictions, including higher penalties if there are priors within 7 years. To determine whether a misdemeanor DUI is a first, second or third offense you must look at the dates of other DUI arrests, dates...

Don’t Miss a DUI Deadline

Most folks accused of DUI in Spokane have a 7-day deadline to try to save their driver license through a Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) case. This DOL case is independent from the court case, which means you can win one and lose the other. The 7-day...

Do I have to do Roadside DUI Tests?

Roadside DUI tests are voluntary in Washington State and most folks under investigation are better off refusing them. Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (FST’s) can be difficult to perform correctly under perfect environmental conditions. They’re even harder to pass...

DUI Arrests During the Holidays

Historically, there have been more DUI arrests in Spokane during the holiday season. Many people take time off from work around the holidays and might have an extra drink when they’re out for dinner or while watching their favorite sports team at the bar. Others might...