What Does First Offense DUI Mean?

Most DUI’s in Washington State are misdemeanors and have a 7 year look back to determine offense level. Offense levels dictate the mandatory minimum penalties if you’re actually convicted of a DUI or the related charge of Physical Control. A new DUI arrest will most...

Fatal Collisions in 2022

Fatal auto accidents jumped more than 20% in Washington State for the first nine months of 2022 when compared to the same period in 2021. This is preliminary data and additional research is needed to explain exactly why this jump occurred. On the surface, this 2022...

DUI Limits for Alcohol

Washington State DUI laws set the legal limit for alcohol at .08 if you’re 21 years of age, but there’s talk about lowering this limit. Setting any legal limit creates layers of confusion about what’s lawful and what’s safe. Limits imply drivers can legally drive with...

Auto Accident Checklist

Auto accidents are jarring events and even when we aren’t physically injured, our minds often need a moment to process what just happened. If you’re involved in a collision, the first step is to see if you or anyone else has been injured and immediately call 911 if...

DUI Arrests During the Holidays

Historically, there have been more DUI arrests in Spokane during the holiday season. Many people take time off from work around the holidays and might have an extra drink when they’re out for dinner or while watching their favorite sports team at the bar. Others might...

Don’t Miss a DUI Deadline

Most folks accused of DUI in Spokane will have an initial court hearing or First Appearance the next business day after their arrest. However, in some situations these initial court hearings are delayed for two to three weeks. Unfortunately, this delay leads some...

What is a Power of Attorney?

Generally, a Power of Attorney (POA) is a document that allows someone you specify to act on your behalf. These should be part of everyone’s estate plan since they can minimize the impact of unforeseen problems in the future. When it comes to individual estate...