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Spokane Law Blog
To Blow or Not to Blow. That is the Question
Most people arrested for DUI in Spokane County will be asked to perform a Breath Alcohol Content test (BAC). This test measures the amount of alcohol transferred from your blood to the air in your lungs. There are two main BAC tests in Washington State: a roadside...
Short Deadlines for DUI’s and DOL
Most folks accused of DUI in Spokane have a 7-day deadline to try to save their driver license through a Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) case. This DOL case is separate from court. You can win the DOL case, but still lose in the courtroom and vice...
Do I Have To Perform Roadside DUI Tests?
Roadside DUI tests are voluntary in Washington State. Whether it’s your first time being pulled over or you’ve tried these tests before, most folks are better off refusing them. These tests can be difficult to perform correctly under perfect environmental conditions....
DUI Arrests During the Holidays
Most years DUI arrests jump up during the holiday season in Spokane. Many people take time off from work around the holidays. This can lead to an extra drink when they’re out for dinner or with friends at a local bar. Other folks might to travel to where they grew up...
Sexual Harassment at Company Holiday Parties
People often think of sexual harassment as conduct inside the workplace during business hours. The reality is that sexual harassment can happen anytime, including business trips and after-work gatherings, including holiday parties. Generally, an employer is...
Winter Driving is Coming Soon!
Avoiding an auto accident once the snow flies gets harder each winter. As the population in Spokane grows we see more cars on our roads. That means a greater opportunity for an accident. Eastern Washington hasn't seen much snow, yet, but it'll be here soon. There are...
Talking to Loved Ones about your Estate Plans
Estate Planning may not be top of mind during the busy holiday season. However, gathering with loved ones can be a good opportunity to discuss your estate plans with them. Having an open conversation can help avoid fights amongst your heirs. You can give some context...
Your “First” Last Will and Testament
A Last Will and Testament is a “must have” for every adult. Your Will provides clarity about your wishes to family and loved ones who are already grieving. Most people start to think about an estate plan when they’re reminded of their own mortality. Maybe you just got...
What Can a DUI Lawyer Do for Me?
An experienced DUI attorney can help someone facing a criminal charge in countless ways. From explaining early deadlines to mapping out trial strategy, a DUI attorney will relieve the fear of the unknown and help you focus on family and work during this stressful...
Dealing with Medical Bills from Auto Accidents
Confusion and stress over auto accident related medical bills can motivate folks to call an attorney for help. Even if a high cost surgery isn’t necessary, ambulance, emergency room and other bills can stack up. These medical bills may be partially or even fully...