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FOR Local People

Spokane Law Blog

Do I have to do Roadside DUI Tests?

Roadside DUI tests or Field Sobriety Tests (FST’s) are supposed to be voluntary. Even if you refuse them, law enforcement can still arrest you for DUI if they observe other signs of alcohol or drug impairment. Recently, a high profile Spokane Resident was arrested for...

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When Will a DUI End in a Blood Draw?

A DUI arrest can end with a blood draw in a couple different circumstances. If a law enforcement officer believes a driver is impaired by something other than alcohol, then the officer may try to draw blood as part of the DUI investigation. Another common scenario is...

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Dying Without a Will

Folks often ask what happens when someone dies without a will? The legal term for this is dying “intestate.” Usually, this question comes from a concerned family member or friend who recently had a loved one pass away without a will. Maybe they want to help resolve...

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DUI Detection in New Motor Vehicles

Everyone knows DUI’s are dangerous and potentially deadly. Public service campaigns, driver education and strict DUI laws haven’t eradicated them from our roadways. Two years ago we asked whether technology could reduce driving under the influence and recent...

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Pushing the Limits: Alcohol and Marijuana DUI’s

Washington State DUI laws set the legal limit for alcohol .08. This alcohol limit is based on nearly 100 years of medical research. Did you know a few years ago a legal limit for marijuana intoxication was added to Washington’s DUI statutes? That limit is 5 ng of...

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