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FOR Local People

Spokane Law Blog

Broken bones can lead to major complications

Many people think of broken bones as a relatively minor injury that can occur when you’re in a motor vehicle crash or suffer from a fall. While it is true that they can heal without incident, there are also instances in which they can lead to serious complications....

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Shorter Driver License Deadline for DUI’s

An arrest for DUI in Washington State gives rise to two separate cases: a criminal case in court and a completely separate Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) case. An arrest for DUI leads to both a mandatory court appearance the next business day and a...

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DUI in a UTV… Yup!

You can get a DUI in Washington State driving almost anything. Most DUI’s occur when someone drives their car after consuming too much alcohol at a restaurant, bar or an event. Law enforcement often pulls them over for speeding or failing to use a turn signal and now...

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