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Spokane Law Blog
What are the DUI Limits for Alcohol and MJ?
DUI laws for adults set the legal limit for alcohol .08 in Washington State. This limit for alcohol is based on nearly 100 years of medical research. Every couple years, including this last legislative session, there’s talk of lowing this limit. The marijuana DUI...
Driving the Day After a DUI Arrest
Folks arrested for DUI in Washington State do not immediately lose their driver’s license. The key word is “immediately.” Most people face a license suspension starting 30 days after their DUI arrest, but doesn’t start right away. There has been confusion about when...
Fatal Collisions Hit 30 Year High
Fatal automobile accidents in Washington State increased in 2023 to 810. That’s the most collisions that involved a loss of life since 1990. It’s no secret that excessive speed and impaired/distracted driving are common factors often leading to traffic fatalities....
Bigger Cars are Safer… for their Occupants
In automobile accidents the folks inside bigger vehicles are usually safer. This is due to one of the basic laws of physics: momentum conservation. This principle says the total combined momentum of two colliding objects just prior to a collision is equal to the total...
Is my DUI charge a Misdemeanor or Felony?
Most DUI charges are misdemeanors and not felonies. Gross misdemeanors in Washington State have a maximum penalty of 364 days in jail and a $5,000 fine. Felony DUI’s are a Class B crime and have a maximum penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine....
Attending Court Hearings Via Zoom
Attending court hearings by Zoom has become more common the last four years. Zoom is a real-time audio and video virtual meeting computer and phone application. It allows participants to see and hear each other. Spokane Municipal Court and Spokane District Court have...
Avoid These Mistakes After a Major Car Crash
When you’re seriously injured in a motor vehicle crash you want healing and closure. It’s tempting to focus on the future, instead of taking the steps needed right now to preserve your injury claim. There are a couple of mistakes that are easy to avoid and that can...
Traumatic Brain Injuries Can be Life-Altering
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) could radically change your life in ways you never imagined. Of course, much of the impact depends on the severity of the TBI and even minor concussion can have a severe adverse impact on your life. Seek a medical evaluation right away...
What Does First Offense DUI Mean?
Most DUI’s in Washington State are misdemeanors and have a 7 year look back period to determine their offense level. Felony DUI’s have a longer look back and are pretty rare. Offense levels, like first, second or third, are important because they set the mandatory...
Dog Bites Can Cause Catastrophic Injuries
Dog bites can cause catastrophic bodily injuries and they were back in the news recently in Washington State. The severity of the damage depends on many factors, including the breed of dog, their size, the size of the person being attacked and the length of time the...