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Spokane Law Blog
School is Out For Summer Vacation
Schools are out for summer vacation! There are so many great things about summertime in Spokane. The days are longer and families will be playing at local parks and city pools in the middle of the day. Many gatherings will carry on well into the evening. This also...
Why do I need a Living Will?
A Living Will, or Health Care Directive, is one of the documents in a comprehensive estate plan. Some folks also call these Advanced Directives. They clearly state your wishes regarding certain life-sustaining medical treatments in case you’re in a permanent...
What is a DUI First Appearance
A DUI arrest in Spokane usually triggers a First Appearance court hearing the next business day. At this initial hearing the judge will read your rights and the consequences of a DUI conviction, which may include jail time, fines, loss of driver’s license, ignition...
Understanding the DUI Sentencing Grid
The Washington State DUI Sentencing Grid details the mandatory minimum penalties for misdemeanor convictions. There is a different sentencing structure for felony DUI’s, which are relatively rare. The misdemeanor grid is split into columns by “prior offenses” and rows...
Minimizing Injuries from a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle riders often suffer more serious injuries from collisions than those in passenger vehicles. The recent accident just south of Spokane is one example of how severe these bodily injuries can be. Cars and trucks protect their occupants by absorbing most of the...
May is Motorcycle Safety Month
Motorcycle safety is particularly important as winter turns to spring and riding season fires up. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association reports motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a collision than those in passenger vehicles. Let’s elevate...
Protect Yourself from Uninsured Drivers
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists are a serious problem in Spokane and throughout Washington State. Recent data from the Insurance Information Institute found that Washington State had one of the highest rates of uninsured drivers with more than 1 in 5 drivers...
How Can a DUI Lawyer Help Me?
An experienced DUI attorney can guide you through the legal process and minimize the damage of the criminal charge. From explaining early deadlines to mapping out trial strategy, a DUI attorney relieves the fear of the unknown and helps you focus on family during this...
Reducing Pedestrian and Bicycle Collisions
Pedestrian and bicycle collisions increase every spring as our Spokane weather warms up. Children are out riding bicycles and families take an evening stroll around their neighborhood. Many drivers are still in a “winter mindset” and aren’t used to looking for folks...
Have you been offered a Severance Agreement?
Severance Agreements are sometimes offered when an employee is leaving their job. These are contracts outlining the employee and employer’s rights and responsibilities at the end of an employment relationship. They will state the severance pay the employee will...