DUI Limits for Alcohol

Washington State DUI laws set the legal limit for alcohol at .08 if you’re 21 years of age, but there’s talk about lowering this limit. Setting any legal limit creates layers of confusion about what’s lawful and what’s safe. Limits imply drivers can legally drive with...

DUI Arrests During the Holidays

Historically, there have been more DUI arrests in Spokane during the holiday season. Many people take time off from work around the holidays and might have an extra drink when they’re out for dinner or while watching their favorite sports team at the bar. Others might...

Don’t Miss a DUI Deadline

Most folks accused of DUI in Spokane will have an initial court hearing or First Appearance the next business day after their arrest. However, in some situations these initial court hearings are delayed for two to three weeks. Unfortunately, this delay leads some...

DUI’s and Ignition Interlock Device

Washington State DUI laws outline three different points where folks are at risk of having the ignition interlock device (IID). Two are court related and one comes directly from the Department of Licensing (DOL). Most of the time, having the IID is linked to a...

DUI Limits for Alcohol and Marijuana

Washington State DUI laws set the legal limit for alcohol .08. This alcohol limit is based on nearly 100 years of medical research. Then about ten years ago as Washington State moved to legalize marijuana, the DUI laws were changed to add a legal limit for marijuana...

In the news: Kitsap County DUI Breath Tests

Most DUI investigations end with law enforcement asking for an alcohol breath test at the police station. The breath test program in Washington State is strictly regulated because just being accused of DUI can have serious consequences, including being booked into...

DUI Last Night… Is My License Valid Today?

When a DUI arrest occurs in Washington State folks do NOT immediately lose their driver’s license. The key word is “immediately.” Many people face a license suspension starting 30 days after their DUI arrest, but doesn’t start right away. Confusion about the timing of...

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step Two

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step Two Folks who get a first offense DUI often face another DUI later in life. An old misdemeanor DUI will most likely count as a prior offense sentence enhancer if it’s within seven years of the new Washington State DUI. Sometimes...

Determining DUI Offense Level: Step One

Washington State DUI law sets mandatory minimum penalties for convictions. The law also sets sentencing enhancements, or higher penalties, when folks have other DUI’s within 7 years. To determine whether a misdemeanor DUI is a first, second or third offense you must...

What is a DUI First Appearance?

A DUI charge In Spokane, Washington will normally lead to a First Appearance court hearing within a few weeks of the arrest. During this hearing the judge will recite your constitutional rights and the potential consequences of a DUI conviction, which may include jail...