Serious Injuries & Wrongful Death
What You Need To Know About Serious Injuries & Wrongful Death
If you or a loved one is hurt badly or even killed because of another’s inattention or negligence, you can get justice.
You should not have to pay ridiculously high medical expenses or funeral costs. As your attorney, it is our job to make sure that you get compensation so you can recover in peace. Your family may never go back to normal, but you can be taken care of and live your best life possible moving forward.
What Counts As A Serious Injury?
Are you hurt in an accident? Did you need surgery or amputation? Are you in a cast for a broken bone?
Serious medical injuries can cause you to have enormous medical bills, limited mobility, and impaired cognitive or brain function. You may be in need of in-home and long-term care or have to make serious changes to your surroundings, including moving or purchasing mobility aids. You may no longer be able to work and care for your own most basic needs.
When you are hurt seriously, you may suffer from a range of medical and personal consequences. For those victims suffering from a life-changing brain injury, spinal cord or neck injury, or other broken bones or mobility issues after an accident, you can get help.
After A Serious Injury Or The Loss Of A Loved One, Hire An Attorney
As Spokane residents and proud Washington state lawyers, the attorneys at Cooney Law Offices are committed to making sure you receive the financial help you need to put you and your family back on their feet. We want to talk to you today, for free.
Go ahead and give us a call. You can reach our office at 509-326-2613 or by sending us an email.
Tell Us About Your CaseÂ

Office Location
330 W. Indiana Ave.
Spokane, WA 99205
Phone: 509-326-2613
Toll Free: 888-302-2613
Fax: 509-325-1859
For Emergencies Call: 509-327-6000